<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% ' ' set last visited session variable ' Session("last_visited") = "/around/sound/acoustic.html" %> Acoustics
Hear the difference.
If you want to reduce noise, improve sound performance, or both, Owens Corning can help. Our wide range of acoustical products offer innovative, customized solutions to meet your needs in the residential, commercial or industrial market.

Residential   Commercial
Meet specific acoustic specifications for any interior room, without compromising the look.   Maximize sound clarity and minimize unwanted noise where you need it.
Go to the Residential section   Go to the Commercial section

QuietZone® Product Demo
Hear the difference in noise levels through a typical interior wall. Go to the Product Demo
Acoustic Terms
Search the Owens Corning glossary for definitions of words and phrases that are related to Acoustics. Go to Acoustic Terms
Science and Technology Center
Internationally recognized for acoustical research and testing. Go to Science and Technology Center